Total views from all songs: 1,599,641,688,283 Disclaimer: Any aggregation of data is not official from YouTube and should not be used as any official metric to go by

Monthly Stats

Artist Selected: Yung Lean

Year Selected:


View Stat Records

Total songs with over 1 Billion views: 261
Total artists with at least 1 song with a billion views: 109
Artist billion club All 6 Billion views 5 Billion views 4 Billion views 3 Billion views 2 Billion views 1 Billion views 900 Million views 500 Million views 250 Million views 100 Million views 50 Million views

RIAA Certificates

These are only using RIAA certificates. We will add data for other certificates in the future. This exclude greatest hits albums unless the album had a new song in it. We try to keep the songs on the site unique, therefore so will the albums. So don't use this as an aggregate total of sales. Thanks!

Note: This is using data we have added to the site manually, we will continue adding more data in the future.

Sales - Platinum is 1,000,000 sales. Diamond is 10,000,000 sales.
Total albums with at least 1x Platinum Certificate: 1208
Total albums with at least 1x Diamond Certificate: 65
All Diamond Albums All Platinum Albums 9x Platinum 8x Platinum 7x Platinum 6x Platinum 5x Platinum 4x Platinum 3x Platinum 2x Platinum 1x Platinum